GST/VAT compliant invoices, billing and purchase orders. Each invoice and bill is instantly generated in desired format. Customer and Vendor can easily track and verify the authenticity of Invoices.
Expand your existing business with MobiWak Arizta Software platform. With MobiWak in-house escrow, No waiting for the payments to get cleared with Banks. Get paid fast and safe. Use GST/VAT compliant invoices for better reliability.
Manage your Inventory distributed over different locations. With Mobiwak never loose a customer due to inaccurate data. Get prepared for any future demands
MobiWak makes GST/VAT compliant invoices, billing and purchase orders very efficiently. The Tax-slabs are designed in the way that customer only need to select the right GST/VAT option for their products or services. MobiWak will take care of all the detailed calculations of SGST, CGST or IGST.
MobiWak can get comprehensive reports on Clients, Vendors, Amount and Balance history, stock available or sales by product / service. It takes care from calculating to formatting, printing and even delivering invoices/bills/purchase orders to the customers.
MobiWak manages your Inventory distributed over different locations. It helps by reporting accurate inventory which prevents you from losing customers, and minimizes common human mistakes such as reporting products out of stock and referring clients to different stores.
The Software adjusts easily to sudden spikes in your sales, and you get to tweak them in line with sudden spikes and drops. With personalized service and accurate responses at anytime, your customers will be more satisfied than ever. They will be able to track the status of shipped orders, without facing the risk of a late notice that the product they expect is no longer available.
An ERP powered by Arizta Software. Stay ahead in the competition.
Manage and track your Inventory from anywhere in the world.
Protect your Customers & Vendors. Make payment fast and secure.
Generate and submit Invoices/Bill/POs to your Customers & Vendors anywhere in the world.
Calculate and pay taxes in your State with Ease
Proud to serve over hundreds of successful businesses !
We say you won’t look back.